On the 24th March 2023, the Australian parliament voted on whether there was a need for further inquiry and scrutiny as to the reasons for Australian excess deaths, including why dementia and diabetes had seen significant increases in recent years and the vote 31 to 29 was not in favour of an inquiry. The Greens and the Australian Labor Party voted against the inquiry.
Excess deaths is in Australia is a sigma 6 event, which is a one-in-1,000 event and we need answers as to why it is happening. Below we shall list the Senators who voted for and against the inquiry. The tables below from https://www.actuaries.digital/2023/03/06/almost-20000-excess-deaths-for-2022-in-australia/ covering deaths up to November 2022, shows excess deaths across all age groups and all States.
A national tragedy.

According to the ABS reports in 2021, all Australian jurisdictions except the Northern Territory recorded a higher than expected number of deaths. Victoria and South Australia both had periods of sustained statistically significant excess mortality (2 or more weeks) during 2021.
In Victoria, there were two periods of statistically significant excess mortality in 2021.
The first began in the week beginning 12 April and remained until early May. The second began at the start of October and remained mostly above the upper threshold until the end of the year. An astounding percentage difference from the expected deaths of 12.0% 15.7% 12.9% 18.8% 19.0% 13.2% 20.9% 24.7%, 14.0% 12.6% 11.9% 12.7% 11.9% in the period from early October to the end of December 2021 for Victoria.
South Australia’s excess deaths cannot be attributed to covid19 because up to December 12th, 2021 there was only single digit new cases per day and this rose from 10 new daily cases on December 12th to 2,085 by December 31st, 2021. By 31st December 2021, there was 9,243 active cases of covid19 (by official numbers) in South Australia, hardly a pandemic and certainly cannot explain the excess deaths recorded in that highly vaccinated state. By the end of 2021, South Australia had administered 2,875,069 covid19 vaccines. Source https://www.abs.gov.au/articles/measuring-australias-excess-mortality-during-covid-19-pandemic and covidlive.com.au
According to the Provisional ABS Data for the year 2022,
For all deaths:
In 2022, there were 190,394 deaths that occurred by 31 December and were registered by 28 February 2023. This is 25,235 deaths (15.3%) more than the baseline average.
In December there were 15,345 deaths, 2,017 (15.1%) above the historical average.
These are numbers never seen before and equates to 485 excess deaths per week for the whole of 2022!!!
Surely deserving of an inquiry? Source https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/health/causes-death/provisional-mortality-statistics/jan-dec-2022
ABS 2023 DEATH DATA (JAN-MARCH) For all deaths:
In 2023, there were 42,183 deaths that occurred by 31 March and were registered by 31 May. This is 4,451 deaths (11.8%) more than the baseline average, but 2,887 (6.4%) less than in 2022.
In March 2023 there were 14,578 deaths, 11.3% more than the baseline average but 1.0% less than in 2022.
While it is good news that the excess deaths have gone down from 15.1% to 11.8%, excess deaths are still statistically significant and a 6 sigma event.
This is an issue that is not going away and below we have listed the politicians that voted for, against Senator Babet’s motion for an inquiry.
Please reach out to them to let them know that the Australian public will hold them accountable for their actions and inactions.
Senators that voted for the inquiry
Antic, A. senator.antic@aph.gov.au Liberal Party of Australia
Askew, W. senator.askew@aph.gov.au Liberal Party of Australia
Babet, R senator.babet@aph.gov.au United Australia Party
Birmingham, S. J. senator.birmingham@aph.gov.au Liberal Party of Australia
Bragg, A. J. senator.bragg@aph.gov.au Liberal Party of Australia
Brockman, W. E. senator.brockman@aph.gov.au Liberal Party of Australia
Canavan, M. J. senator.canavan@aph.gov.au The Nationals
Cash, M. C. senator.cash@aph.gov.au Liberal Party of Australia
Chandler, C. senator.chandler@aph.gov.au Liberal Party of Australia
Colbeck, R. M. senator.colbeck@aph.gov.au Liberal Party of Australia
Davey, P. M. senator.davey@aph.gov.au The Nationals
Duniam, J. R. senator.duniam@aph.gov.au Liberal Party of Australia
Fawcett, D. J. senator.fawcett@aph.gov.au Liberal Party of Australia
Hanson P.L. senator.hanson@aph.gov.au Pauline Hanson’s One Nation
Henderson, S. M. senator.henderson@aph.gov.au Liberal Party of Australia
Hughes, H. A. senator.hughes@aph.gov.au Liberal Party of Australia
Liddle, K. J. senator.liddle@aph.gov.au Liberal Party of Australia
McDonald, S. E. senator.mcdonald@aph.gov.au Liberal National Party of Queensland
McGrath, J. senator.mcgrath@aph.gov.au Liberal National Party of Queensland
McKenzie, B. senator.mckenzie@aph.gov.au The Nationals
McLachlan, A. L. senator.mclachlan@aph.gov.au Liberal Party of Australia
Nampijinpa Price, J. S. senator.nampijinpaprice@aph.gov.au Country Liberal Party
O’Sullivan, M. A. (Teller) senator.matt.o’sullivan@aph.gov.au Liberal Party of Australia
Rennick, G. senator.rennick@aph.gov.au Liberal National Party of Queensland
Roberts M R senator.roberts@aph.gov.au Pauline Hanson’s One Nation
Ruston, A. senator.ruston@aph.gov.au Liberal Party of Australia
Scarr, P. M. senator.scarr@aph.gov.au Liberal Party of Australia
Smith, D. A. senator.smith@aph.gov.au Liberal Party of Australia
Van, D. A. senator.van@aph.gov.au Independent
Senators that voted against the inquiry
Allman-Payne, P. J. senator.allman-payne@aph.gov.au Australian Greens
Ayres, T. senator.ayres@aph.gov.au Australian Labor Party
Brown, C. L. senator.carol.brown@aph.gov.au Australian Labor Party
Chisholm, A. senator.chisholm@aph.gov.au Australian Labor Party
Ciccone, R. senator.ciccone@aph.gov.au Australian Labor Party
Cox, D. senator.cox@aph.gov.au Australian Greens
Farrell, D. E. senator.farrell@aph.gov.au Australian Labor Party
Faruqi, M. senator.faruqi@aph.gov.au Australian Greens
Gallagher, K. R. senator.katy.gallagher@aph.gov.au Australian Labor Party
Green, N. L. senator.green@aph.gov.au Australian Labor Party
Grogan, K. senator.grogan@aph.gov.au Australian Labor Party
Hanson-Young, S. C. senator.hanson-young@aph.gov.au Australian Greens
Lines, S. senator.lines@aph.gov.au Australian Labor Party
McAllister, J. R. jennifer.mcallister@aph.gov.au Australian Labor Party
McCarthy, M. senator.McCarthy@aph.gov.au Australian Labor
Party McKim, N. J. senator.mckim@aph.gov.au Australian Greens
Payman, F. senator.Payman@aph.gov.au Australian Labor Party
Pocock, B. senator.barbara.pocock@aph.gov.au Australian Greens
Polley, H. senator.polley@aph.gov.au Australian Labor Party
Pratt, L. C. senator.pratt@aph.gov.au Australian Labor Party
Rice, J. E. senator.rice@aph.gov.au Australian Greens
Sheldon, A. V. senator.sheldon@aph.gov.au Australian Labor Party
Shoebridge, D. senator.shoebridge@aph.gov.au Australian Greens
Steele-John, J. A. senator.steele-john@aph.gov.au Australian Greens
Stewart, J. senator.stewart@aph.gov.au Australian Labor Party
Urquhart, A. E. (Teller) senator.urquhart@aph.gov.au Australian Labor Party
Walsh, J. C. senator.walsh@aph.gov.au Australian Labor Party
Waters, L. J. senator.waters@aph.gov.au Australian Greens
Watt, M.P minister.watt@agriculture.gov.au Australian Labor Party
Whish-Wilson, P. S. senator.whish-wilson@aph.gov.au Australian Greens
White, L senator.white@aph.gov.au · Australian Labor Party
Senators who did not vote
Bilyk, C senator.bilyk@aph.gov.au Australian Labor Party
Cadell, R senator.cadell@aph.gov.au The Nationals
Hume, J senator.hume@aph.gov.au Liberal Party of Australia
Kovacic, M senator.kovacic@aph.gov.au Liberal Party of Australia
Lambie, J senator.lambie@aph.gov.au Jacqui Lambie Network
O’Neill, D senator.oneill@aph.gov.au Australian Labor Party
Paterson, J senator.paterson@aph.gov.au Liberal Party of Australia
Pocock Senator.David.Pocock@aph.gov.au Independent
Reynolds senator.reynolds@aph.gov.au Liberal Party of Australia
Sterle, G senator.sterle@aph.gov.au Australian Labor Party
Smith, D senator.smith@aph.gov.au Liberal Party of Australia
Smith, M senator.marielle.smith@aph.gov.au Australian Labor Party
Thorpe, L senator.thorpe@aph.gov.au Independent
Tyrell, T senator.tyrrell@aph.gov.au Jacqui Lambie Network
Wong, P senator.wong@aph.gov.au Australian Labor Party
We need to hold politicians to account and the article lists the politicians who voted for and against the inquiry into excess deaths.
The importance of the Australian data cannot be understated because unlike the rest of the world, the official covid case numbers were low and vaccination rates high. In certain States, covid was almost non-existent at the time that excess deaths were excessive. In other parts of the world, excess deaths could be blamed on covid but not in Australia.
The Actuaries Institute has named several reasons for excess deaths including; Post-COVID-19 sequelae or interactions with other causes of death, delay in emergency care, mortality displacement, delay in routine care, undiagnosed covid19, mental health issues, pandemic induced lifestyle changes but say that vaccine related death is negligible.
“While there have been deaths in Australia caused by the administration of COVID-19 vaccines, the number of such deaths has been small. Australia has a very good vaccine approval and safety monitoring processes, administered by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. The latest vaccine safety report (to 23 February) shows that, of the 976
reports of death following vaccination, only 14 were found to have been caused by the administration of the vaccine. The TGA makes it clear that the remaining 962 were not caused by COVID-19 vaccination. That is, they were due to other, unrelated causes. In addition, the vaccine rollout ramped up slowly from February 2021, with high rates of vaccination in August to October 2021 and again in January 2022, but has been low for most of 2022. This does not fit with the timing or shape of the excess mortality. Likely impact in Australia: Negligible.“
We strongly disagree with their conclusion that vaccine related death was negligible and excess deaths peaks, correspond to the peaks in vaccination rates.
It is very clear that the subject of excess mortality is one that the politicians and bureaucracy simply want to go away, which is why it is so important to raise awareness and keep up the pressure on politicians on this issue.
Related Links https://healthallianceaustralia.org/articles/australian-excess-deaths-alarming-data https://healthallianceaustralia.org/webinars/professor-peter-miller/
Health Alliance Australia raises awareness, provide educational material, support practitioners, and help those who have been adversely affected by the covid19 vaccines and mandates, but we can’t do it without your support! By providing a professional and educated response to health related issues, and forming a counter narrative to destructive public health measures, our measured approach will stay the course and lead to positive social change in due course.
Additionally help us raise funds to fund litigation to achieve the goal of returning our sovereign rights and freedom of choice through the legal system.
We are also deeply concerned by the WHO Pandemic Treaty, amendments to the International Health Regulations, and other changes to Australian law that provide the mechanism of absolute control, which could include more lock downs, vaccine mandates, restrictions, masking, discrimination based on vaccine status, public health measures like restrictions on public gatherings, border closures, quarantining and travel restrictions. Mandates continue to be enforced in many industries in Australia and this is unacceptable.
For this reason, we encourage you to make a donation or a monthly subscription. It is a small price to pay to in the fight for justice and truth.